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If you have ever planned any type of household move, including local and long-distance moves, you know how complicated things can get in a hurry. From coordinating your notice at the current location to getting things set up at the new location, sometimes you are better off hiring a professional to help you with residential moving and storage in MA. Truck rentals and packing supplies are great for small moves, but for a larger household move, you might want to turn to Cape Cod household moving companies to take care of the details. Before you plan a move in Southeastern Massachusetts, make sure to consider all of your options.

woman holding keys

Doing It Yourself: Truck Rentals

A lot of people prefer to take care of local and long-distance moves on their own, relying on truck rentals and packing supply vendors to provide them with all of the tools they need to get the job done. Many homeowners start packing up boxes as soon as they find out that they are moving. This can help to get things ready well in advance of the move to make things easier on moving day. Make sure to get quality boxes, proper packing tape and use a thick permanent marker to label all of your cartons for easy moving, unloading and unpacking once you arrive at your new location.

The cost for renting a truck and doing your own move can be more affordable, especially for a local move where you aren’t paying for a lot of gas to haul your things across the country. However, there are some cases where hiring a professional company can actually be more cost-effective, but each situation is unique.

Some people prefer to rent a truck, pack their own boxes and move their belongings themselves because it gives them more control over the entire moving experience. Quality Penske truck rentals are available for local and long-distance moves in Southeastern Massachusetts through Plymouth Rock Moving & Storage in Pocasset, MA. We provide services to residential movers throughout the Cape Cod region and can also provide interstate and international moving support through our association with Mayflower Transit, Inc. Give us a call at 1-800-340-0995 to get a FREE quote on our truck rentals.

Professional Moving Services

The DIY or do-it-yourself approach is good for some, but not for everyone. Time constraints, lack of help for loading or just too much going on at the time of the move are just some of the reasons why homeowners contact a professional moving company to take care of residential moving and storage in MA. Having a team of professional come to your home to plan a move in Southeastern Massachusetts can be empowering. Choosing reputable Cape Cod household moving companies is essential, but you will also want to make sure that the service can handle all of the things that you need to have done to make your residential move.

Compared to the cost for gas, toll fees, food, lodging and the time it takes to pack, load and transport your belongings yourself, hiring residential moving professionals for your local and long distance moves can actually be more cost-effective. Get a quote for both types of services and see for yourself which is the better bargain.

If you have a lot of things to move, or if you have valuable furniture, antiques or collectibles that need to be properly packed, secured and transported, you may want to hire out professional residential moving and storage in MA. Plymouth Rock Moving & Storage can provide you with all of the services, packing, protection and more that you need in order to make your residential move a success. Give us a call at 1-800-340-0995 for a FREE quote on any of our local and long-distance moves, packing supplies and services or specialty offerings when you are ready to plan a move in Southeastern Massachusetts.

Trust Plymouth Rock Moving & Storage for Your Move

If you are interested in learning more about all of the services available for residential moves in Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod, contact Plymouth Rock Moving & Storage by calling 1-800-340-0995. Our team can help you create a viable strategy for local and long-distance moves, help connect you to our Cape Cod household moving companies and specialists for interstate and international moves, as well as get you all of the packing supplies and services you require to help plan and pack for your move. Call today for a FREE estimate that will help you decide which type of moving service is right for you.